If you are seeking help with addictions and/or mental health issues but have limited funds or no extended health care plan, clicking on the link to the NOVA SCOTIA HEALTH AUTHORITY will provide you a list of services that may be covered by your MSI.
Are you between the ages of 16-29 and have been diagnosed with anxiety, a mood disorder, or psychosis LAING HOUSE might be able to help!
Living with a chronic health issue? YOUR WAY TO WELLNESS may be able to help. PHONE: 1-888-672-3444 email: yourway@gov.ns.ca
Are you a parent concerned about your adolescent’s behaviour (anxiety, depression, ADD, or Oppositional Defiance Disorder) or are you a teen (aged 13 to 19) with these concerns? Parents or teens can call the IWK to get information regarding the services offered within their Adolescent Centre for Treatment PHONE: 1-902-470-8888 or 1-888-470-5888.
CAMP TRIUMPH is a summer residential camp in PEI that helps children who have siblings or parent with a serious chronic illness or disability build confidence, positive self-esteem, and reach their full potential through nurturing qualities of perseverance, respect, and understanding.
An active and supportive paddling group (no experience needed!) for any woman who has been diagnosed with breast cancer: BOSOM BUDDIES. Email: contact@bosombuddies.ca Mailing Address: Bosom Buddies of NS, P. O. Box 31037, Halifax, NS
B3K 5T9
Peer Support for survivors of childhood sexual abuse: SOAR (SURVIVORS OF ABUSE RECOVERING) – PHONE 902-679-7337 or 877-679-7627 email: info@survivorsofabuserecovering.ca
Peer support for transgender people. Volunteers are ready to respond to transgender people who may be struggling with their gender identity and/or are in crisis. TRANS LIFELINE welcomes the call of any transgender person in need. Phone 1-877-330-6366.
For learning to live with grief: BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUPS
For non-judgmental, community-based confidential sexual health services, health education, and health promotion for youth 13-30 years of age: THE RED DOOR – 35 Webster Street, Suite 202, Kentville PHONE 902-679-1411 email: info@thereddoor.ca
For arts-based educational programs for children, teens and adults with special needs and promotion of the inclusion of people with special needs into their communities, please reach out to THE ALEXANDER SOCIETY OF INCLUSIVE ARTS (ASIA) .
For parents/guardians in Kings County, KINGS COUNTY FAMILY RESOURCE CENTRE has programs for children, parents/guardians, adults, and parent-child interactive programs and all their programs are free.
For seniors and their caregivers: OLDER ADULT MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES PHONE: 1-855-273-7110
Shelter for women suffering abuse: CHRYSALIS HOUSE Email: chrysalis@ns.sympatico.ca Mailing address: P.O. Box 356, Kentville, NS B4N 3X1 24 Hour Crisis Line/Business Line: (902) 679-1922 or Toll Free 1-800-264-8682
Shelter Movers: a service to help people move from abusive environments: https://www.sheltermovers.com/nova-scotia/
For people who are having a hard time getting a job due to mental illness, look into this social enterprise: PetStuff On the Go Based in Dartmouth, NS, this social enterprise helps with an initial 12-week job placement, counselling, and job coach. After that, they further provide assistance with job seeking and job coaching.
For financial assistance to persons with life-threatening illnesses who choose to remain in their own homes: CAREY ME – c/o Annapolis Valley Palliative Care Program PHONE: 902-542-6303
For people who don’t have a church, but are looking for spiritual and pastoral care services: PASTORAL CARE AT THE VALLEY REGIONAL HOSPITAL Coordinating Chaplain PHONE 902-679-2657
For upgrading your literacy, numeracy, spoken English, academic skills, computer skills, and other important life skills contact THE VALLEY COMMUNITY LEARNING ASSOCIATION (VCLA) for information on free classes and 1:1 tutoring. Their website provides all the contact details.
For help with starting a business, contact the COMMUNITY BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION (CBDC).